My Debian/Ubuntu packages - xjdic


XJDIC is an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program designed to operate in a terminal within the X11 window environment.

This version has been patched to add UTF-8 support, so that it can be used with any terminal emulator, instead of requiring kterm.


(Reminder: Make sure you have installed the fbriere-archive-keyring package beforehand!)

Download the .sources file below corresponding to your current release, place it in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory, and run apt update.

If you prefer, the following command line (run as root) will automatically perform all of the above:
apt-get -y install curl lsb-release && (cd "$(mktemp -d)" && dpkg -i $(curl -# -f -w '%{filename_effective}' -O && (cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d && curl -# -f -O$(lsb_release -cs)/fbriere_xjdic.sources) && apt-get update

Debian releases

buster (oldoldstable) - bullseye (oldstable) - bookworm (stable) - trixie (testing) - sid (unstable)

Ubuntu releases

bionic (18.04) - focal (20.04) - jammy (22.04) - mantic (23.10) - noble (24.04) - oracular (24.10)

Version pinning

To give these packages precedence over the official ones in Debian/Ubuntu (to prevent any "upgrade" to a more-recent-but-unpatched version), it is recommended that you install the fbriere-archive-pin-xjdic package also provided by this component.